Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My RPG Person Profile

This was an idea put forth by Zak S at Playing D&D With Porn Stars. So here is my profile. There is a link to the page it is permanently set to on the side menu.

I'm currently running (at home): D&D 3.5 Eberron, Homemade campaign

Tabletop RPGs I'm currently playing (at home) include: Pathfinder

I would especially like to play/run: Castles and Crusades, Victoriana 2nd edition, Shadowrun, Mutants and Masterminds

...but would also try: Anything! I’m not picky and I would be interested in playing pretty much anything.

I live in: A trailer sadly

2 or 3 well-known RPG products other people made that I like:Draconomicon, The Witch, The Black Company RPG

2 or 3 novels I like: The Chronicles of Amber, The Black Company, Dragon Prince

2 or 3 movies I like: Pacific Rim, Indiana Jones, Austin Powers

Best place to find me on-line: My blog, DDO, SWTOR, Deviantart

I will read almost anything on tabletop RPGs if it's: I’m up for reading anything related to RPGs, even if I can’t play it there are ideas everywhere.

If you know anything about Sci-Fi vehicles or weapons it'd help me with a project I'm working on.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Silver Divinity Savage Worlds

Well I didn't get any responses, but it's all good. I've talked about it with a couple of people and thought about it quite a bit and I have officially decided to convert my Silver Divinity game over to the Savage Worlds rule system.

It is going to take some work, and honestly I would love some help from the people around me, but the ones who could help don't want to and the ones who would want to don't have an understanding of what I'm working on yet. But hey maybe eventually.

In the meantime if you have the time or the interest you could check out Chronicle City, they apparently print games and try to assist indie games to get published when they can.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Silver Divinity Update and Changes!

I know I haven't really posted anything new for my Silver Divinity game, but there are reasons for that.
I have been working on it and I actually have enough written up to play the game for awhile, I just haven't been sure on what to post on here exactly. I was contemplating asking people to help me test it, but I wasn't sure if anyone would want to take the time.

At the moment the game is using the rule set from the Victoriana 2nd edition (Heresy Engine). After looking more at it and also from the fact that it is not open content I am pretty much sold on the idea of reworking the game to fit a different system.

I have been looking at and researching various open content systems (D6, Fudge/Fate, D20, OSRIC, etc...) and I think I like the feel and setup of Savage Worlds.

I'm not sure if I'll get any responses or not, but hey why not ask anyway. Does anyone have any opinions about the Savage Worlds system? Or any other systems at that?

I might put up a zip file somewhere with what I've already gotten worked up for Silver Divinity, if anyone would be interested in seeing it , although I'm not sure on that part yet.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mournlands Campaign Update

I've been busy and stressed with major upcoming household changes, and I haven't had time or the mental capacity to work on much of anything.

I did finish the corruptions to the classes the group is going to be playing in at least, and I figured I would share them here.
At the moment they have:
Barbarian - my wife
Cleric - my cousin
Witch (slightly modified from pathfinder) - my other cousin
Psion, or Ranger - my friend can't make up his mind on which yet
Rogue - NPC

We start playing Friday night (10/18/13) and hopefully it goes well, I'm going to be relying and hoping on their ability to explore more instead of me pointing them in a specific direction (first time most have done this so not sure how well it will work out yet).
But here are the corruptions I've worked up, and yes mostly they make them stronger which I am factoring into how the game is going to go.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Campaign at home! Mournlands Corruption

So I was asked by one of my friends if I would be interested in running a game again at my house.
I jumped at the idea of course (I haven't had the people to run anything lately) and after a few discussions we decided on running a D&D 3.5 game because that is what everyone is used to (and two of the people have only ever played that so far). We are probably going to play D20 Modern/Apocalypse afterwards but I need to look over the games before I try to run one.

So I like Eberron and I remember its history better than the other worlds so our game is going to be based there. I had an idea to start them off at Level 11, and they are going to be centered in the Mournlands. Basically the short version is that they are characters that were in Cyre on the day of mourning, and technically they died along with most everyone else when Cyre was destroyed.

The campaign begins with them waking up in the middle of the Mournlands without any memory or knowledge of what has transpired in the last four years, or even that four years have passed.
The main thing I’m doing that they are having fun with so far is that since they were present during the Mournlands creation and because something has mysteriously revived them, they have now been corrupted by the Mournlands energy.

I’m basically taking each class the players choose and I am giving them all a little twist in various fun ways. So far we have a Cleric, Barbarian, and a Witch. We have a fourth person but he hasn't decided on a character so far. Now, looking at these corruptions so far they make the characters more powerful, but the plan is to scale the enemies along with them to keep everything balanced.

The two examples I have right now are for the witch (slightly modified from Pathfinder for use in this game) and barbarian, plus the effects on all characters:

All Characters:
v  Potions found in the Mournland function normally for you, all others function half as well.
v  While in the Mournland, at the end of every round there is a 25% (this chance drops to 10% while outside the Mournland) chance that the spells cast during that round could possibly turn into living spells, if a cleric and wizard both cast a spell there is a chance the spells will merge to form a stronger living spell (ECS. 294) which lasts for 1hr per half its HD while in the Mournlands (this drops to 1rd per HD outside of the Mournland). You can attempt to gain control of the Living spell by making a Caster Level Check, whatever you roll is what the Living spell must beat with a Will save. If it fails this save then the caster can control it until it dissipates.
v  You take a -10 penalty to CHA based checks when dealing with people/creatures not corrupted by the Mournland.
v  Barbarians are constantly raging, their rage works in reverse. Their daily rage uses calms them instead for a short time.
v  Your patron has not been affected but the effects of the Mournland have affected your mind which manifests in the form of a second patron although it must be from this list: Death, Insanity, Plague, or Shadow. This second patron is only active and follows you around while you are in the Mournlands.
v  You also gain one new spell of each spell level but this extra spell must be pulled from the list of spells you secondary patron grants you.
v  Your familiar gets warped and grows to a medium size, and it also gains the Magebred template.