Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The holidays are upon us and it is that time of year when I am forced to exit my home to spend time with the family. Although my wife and I enjoy it, she enjoys it much more than I do as I tend to get drained quickly and would like to go home, while she would like to stay longer. We have been married for 8 years and have worked things out where both of us are happy at least so I'm not really complaining there.

The pathfinder game we were playing at the in-laws house has been cancelled for the time being, and we were going to start back playing the Evil campaign I was running for them before (they made it from level 1 to 14 in Eberron D&D 3.5 before we paused the game). That at the moment has been postponed due to the holidays and extended family having housing issues and needing assistance.

The corrupted game I started at my own house has been going well at least. We've only played twice so far, but they were fun games to say the least. This last one had a first time amusement for me either running or playing a game. I've started showing my 19 year old cousin how to play, and although she has had fun she is still 19 so it's hard to pin her down to play with us at times. But this last time we played (11/15/13) her Cleric decided to start flirting with one of the NPC's they encountered. There was a father and his three sons and she decided to start hitting on one of the sons. This was exceedingly amusing watching her try to role play this (which she did great with); she finally got fed up with him after a while and through various circumstances she finally found out that he was really a demon in disguise.
This was entertaining to play through and like I said I've never had anyone try to do something like this in a game I've participated in.

So yeah all in all I've been busy. I am still working on Converting what I have of my Silver Divinity setting to Savage Worlds, it is just taking a moment due to lack of good thinking time.

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